At beginning of 2017,Daming Heavy Industry got cooperated with Institute of Plasma Physics, ChineseAcademy of Sciences (abbreviated as ASIPP), and provided important matchingparts for manufacturing equipment of Tokamak device’s vacuum chamberpre-research components. Recently, Daming Heavy Industry cooperated with ASIPPagain, and produces the main parts of China first CSNS-SANS.
CSNS is a scientific research device tostudy the characteristics of neutron and probe material microstructure andmotion, while SANS is its important experimental device. SANS consists of scatteringcavity, head, rail assembly and other parts, while a scattering cavity consistsof two parts, the vacuum cavity and inner cavity structure, Daming is in chargeof producing the vacuum cavity.
CSNS is the most important device of thekey construction twelve scientific devices in the 11th five-yearplan. CSNS-SANS experiment will be mainly applied to high-tech R&D fields,such as energy, environment, biology, new material etc, and scattering vacuumcavity, as its main body, requires high precision machining. To ensure the productsprecision, Daming Heavy Industry monitored the quality during the wholeprocess, using Italy INSSE floor-type milling & boring machine for itshigh-precision machining process, and the product quality has been approved by residentengineers.