Company News

POSCO leaders visited Daming Jingjiang Base

On April20th , Minister of POSCO STS sales department Jin Gungzhu and his delegate visited Daming Jingjiang Base and was warmly received by president of Daming International holdings Zhou Keming, vice president Jiang Changhong, marketing director Zhangfeng, general manager of Jiangsu Daming Fu Jingqin,general manager of Daming Technology Wang Xiaojian, deputy general manager ofDaming Heavy Industry Cao Lijing, marketing director assistant of Daming group Nichen.


JinGuangzhu and his delegate visited workshops of Daming Heavy Industry and DamingTechnology, and got better understanding of Daming’s one-stop solution servicefrom raw material to deep processing. During the meeting, Daming’s capabilityin metal processing field was approved by Jin Guangzhu, and he showed his willto have further cooperation with Daming.  Making good use of the advantages of the twosides, Daming and POSCO will provide differentiation and high quality serviceto high-end customers.